A inspiração deve ser tecida como que tece Bicha… Anna Flávia Schmitt Wyse Baranski
A inspiração deve ser tecida como que tece Bichará, Que é um poncho feito para o frio do Pampa enfrentar, Quem diria que sobre isso iria te contar…
New Jersey Makes One Last Desperate Attempt at Sabotaging Congestion Pricing in New York City
Charging drivers a price for using congested, currently free roadways is near-universally accepted as the only surefire way to eliminate gridlock traffic. The endless drama over New York’s implementation of “congestion tolls” to be charged to drivers entering lower Manhattan is a case study of how a good policy in theory can be undone by broken regulatory processes and toxic practical politics. Late on New Year’s Eve, New Jersey asked a federal judge to stop New York from […]
The Economic and Social Consequences of Rent Control
Rent control always results in housing shortages and deteriorating housing stock. Governments and activists, unfortunately, never learn any lessons.
Dino fala em ‘nulidade insanável’, mas libera parte das emendas
O ministro Flávio Dino, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), liberou parcialmente o pagamento de algumas emendas de comissão que estavam suspensas. A decisão foi publicada neste domingo, 29. O recurso estava bloqueado desde 23 de dezembro, depois de uma ação do Psol. Na sua decisão, Dino disse ter identificado uma “nulidade insanável” do ofício encaminhado pelo Congresso Nacional ao STF. Contudo, deliberou por liberar parcialmente as emendas “a fim de evitar insegurança jurídica para terceiros” — Estados, municípios, […]
Quotation of the Day…
Tweet … is from page 127 of Thomas Sowell’s 2023 book, Social Justice Fallacies: Intellectual elites, politicians, activists, and “leaders” – who took credit for the black progress that supposedly all began in the 1960s – took no responsibility for painful retrogressions that demonstrably did begin in the 1960s. The post Quotation of the Day… appeared first on Cafe Hayek.
Best economic arguments against UBI?
I have a friend who is a huge believer in UBI. He actually is hoping for AI to replace all jobs so the government will just pay people to stay at home and play video games all day. I try to tell him about inflation and how prices will probably explode if everyone is given all this disposable income. What’s the best way to explain to someone the potential downfalls of UBI? submitted by /u/BottleOfSmoke998 [link] [comments]