‘The worst 911 call I’ve ever heard’: Sheriff’s deputy sentenced to 50 years to life for Dublin double murder. Judge orders maximum term for Devin Williams Jr. in 2022 ‘execution’ of local couple Maria and Benison Tran
submitted by /u/Whey-Men [link] [comments]
Envio estas palavras ao universo, desejando que u… Vitor Ferreira De Paula
Envio estas palavras ao universo, desejando que um dia cheguem até você. Mesmo ausente, você viverá em minhas lembranças. Viva plenamente, encontre felicidade, ame intensamente, cuide-se e espalhe bondade. Hoje, uma pergunta me fez refletir sobre como mudar nossa visão do mundo. Que essa reflexão traga inspiração e alegria à sua vida. Seja feliz. Vitor Ferreira de Paula
Totalitarianism Begins with a Denial of Economics
submitted by /u/johntwit [link] [comments]
Harris On Track for ~76M Votes, Trump for ~78.3M Votes (a Swing of ~4M to ~5M from Biden-Trump 2020)
The N.Y. Times reports that about 95.0% of all votes have been counted, with Harris at 71.7M and Trump at about 75M: These 95.0% amount to 148.8M, so that means there are about 7.8M uncounted (that’s 148.8M / 0.95 * 0.05), for a total number of about 156.6M. (All numbers are approximations.) Most of those not yet counted votes are in California (4.2M there, since 25% of the votes there remain uncounted); quite a few are from Oregon, […]
Why True Free-Market Advocates Oppose Antitrust Laws
submitted by /u/technocraticnihilist [link] [comments]