The State Cannot Give What Its Citizens Have Not Made
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E assim se foi mais uma noite de solidão, minhas noites não tem sido fáceis e meus dias tem sido como minhas noites. Tentei seguir em frente mais uma vez, mas de novo a droga do amor apareceu na minha frente. Me entreguei achando que dessa vez seria diferente, que eu teria alguém para conversar, para rir, enfrentar as dificuldades junto… Mas novamente o amor me pregou uma peça e mostrou-se um amor platônico. Tento buscar em minha […]
submitted by /u/Cold_Rogue [link] [comments]
Donna Mac, author of “Know and OWN- Your Worth To Be a Leader,” discusses her career and journey in communication, as well as being the president of iVoice. She was 18 years old when she began her communication career in broadcast media.
After California’s $20 minimum wage for fast-food workers went into effect in April, some economists expected affected restaurants to cut jobs. So what actually happened? They not only added workers but did so at a faster pace than fast-food restaurants in the nation as a whole—or at least that was the claim of a research paper by two labor economists at the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of California, Davis. If you actually read it, you’ll […]
I like a lot of the ideas behind Anarcho-Capitalism, but I fear it would swiftly destroy the planet. Prices are obviously cheaper if you ignore the environmental impacts of your decisions, and I don’t think the commoners would care enough about the environment to pay higher prices, as each individual would say “I alone cannot make a positive nor negative impact” I feel we need a government for this… submitted by /u/Cogadhtintreach [link] [comments]
Uma mentira do PT virou fake news por meio de um canal de televisão jornalístico: a de que a explosão do dólar é obra de “ataque especulativo”. O canal de televisão até indicou a origem, veja só: um perfil anônimo no Twitter. O jornalismo oficialesco é uma praga que não conhece o senso de ridículo. É impossível que um mercado que movimenta bilhões de reais, alimentado por informações colhidas em tempo real de grandes bancos e empresas, de jornais e […]
The movie The Matrix gave us the “red pill” and the “blue pill.” The red wakes you up to reality; the blue keeps you indoctrinated. Internet culture then invented a black pill. Those who take it think the world is doomed. So, podcaster Michael Malice wrote the book The White Pill, calling it a “symbol of hope.” “Young people in recent years,” he tells me, “were discouraged about the future of this country. But people in a far […]
How heritable wealth and economic productivity is? I know IQ is heritable. Like .8 correlation? I know race is very heritable. I know skin color and eye color is heritable. I know wealth is very heritable. Just give it to your children. Most men love to do so. It’s the women like Jeff Bezos’ ex wife, that squander it away for donation. I know business skills are heritable. I taught important stuffs to my kids that most other […]