Stop Moving Clocks Back and Forth and Go with Standard Time
By William F. Shughart II
Bezos announces Washington Post will endorse liberty and free markets
submitted by /u/orwll [link] [comments]
Whose Dog Was Being Wagged During Showtime Between Trump and Zelensky?
Art requires the use of imagination, but so does political and social analysis. But imagination is just a first step; it proves nothing. Evidence is required. But imagination rules out nothing from the start. If one cannot imagine an hypothesis or a scene – no matter how seemingly implausible – to be possibly true, one will leave it unexamined. As Graeme MacQueen, the author of the crucial book, The 2001 Anthrax Deception, and much else, put it: Suppose our imaginations can […]
Too Obvious To See?
“The $16 trillion in secret bailout loans made by the Fed that the GAO had located in 2011 was only the tip of the iceberg. When the Levy Economics Institute added in other Fed bailout programs that the GAO had not included, the actual tally came to $29 trillion. “While the Fed was secretly conducting the most unprecedented bailout of Wall Street banks in history from December 2007 through at least the middle of 2010, millions of Americans […]
Abandoned by Trump admin, stiff-necked dictator ((Zelensky)) now has only the stiff-lipped Anglo-Zionist dictatorship in London to support him
Zelensky now with only the dictatorship in London to support himWhat is the definition of a ‘dictator’? In the days that followed Trump’s social media post calling President Zelensky one, British media seized upon the subject and ran with it for days. Various public figures were asked whether Trump was right to use the word and whether they believed Zelensky was actually one. Two figures from the right, Nigel Farage and Liz Truss both said they thought Trump […]
Who Is Lew Rockwell?
This summary of Lew Rockwell’s contributions to the liberty movement will show that Lew has done more to spread libertarian ideas than anyone else not named Ron Paul. Lew was born in Boston in 1944. His father was an “Old Right” Republican who gave Lew a copy of Henry Hazlitt’s classic Economics in One Lesson for for his twelfth birthday! Lew would later edit Hazlitt while working as an editor for the conservative publisher Arlington House. Lew also edited Ludwig von Mises. […]
Murray’s Birthday
Writes David Gordon: Today would have been Murray Rothbard’s ninety-ninth birthday. He was an unforgettable friend, whose immense knowledge of many different fields was unsurpassed in my experience. In a lecture on the Austrian theory of the business cycle, he mentioned the common objection that the expansion of bank credit might have no effect if investors anticipated trouble. After the lecture, I asked whether Mises had answered this point. He said, “See his response to Lachmann in Economica 1943.” I […]
Quotation of the Day…
Tweet … is from page 508 of Gordon Wood’s superb 2009 volume, Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815: But the Revolution did accomplish a great deal: it created for the first time in American history the cultural atmosphere that made African American slavery abhorrent to many Americans. The post Quotation of the Day… appeared first on Cafe Hayek.