Girl falls from cable car at ski resort
After a preliminary examination by rescue personnel, the child who fell off had no obvious injuries and was sent to the hospital for further examination After a preliminary examination by rescue personnel, the child who fell off had no obvious injuries and was sent to the hospital for further examination Read More
The Politics of the Fourteenth Amendment
Passed in the immediate aftermath of the American Civil War, the Fourteenth Amendment was intended to further centralize governance away from the old decentralized political model. It still is accomplishing that purpose.
Impoverishment (price inflation) apologetics unironically do this argument. It feels so absurd to have to explain to people that abundance is good. 😭😭😭
submitted by /u/Derpballz [link] [comments]
The Disintegration of Buckleyite Conservatism
submitted by /u/AbolishtheDraft [link] [comments]
Some Links
Tweet Arnold Kling shares his communist vision. Matthew Slaughter, Dean of Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business, praises H-1B visas. A slice: I’m a Minnesota native. During my career I have competed against foreign-born scholars for jobs in America. Thirty-one years ago, my Ph.D. cohort at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was half international, half U.S.-born. Today, many peer-school deans are immigrants. When I was on the rookie-professor job market, would I have had more and higher-paying options if […]
Technology is the Antithesis of freedom.
Every step forwards for technology is a step backwards for freedom, look throughout any stage of the progression of technology and you will find regression of freedom. What created the state? Technology Agriculture allowed society to become more complex, and therefore it required greater organization. The natural, and universal result of this greater organization was the creation of the state. The state only came into existence after the creation of agriculture, and the existence of agriculture lead to […]
Sixth Circuit Rules Against Net Neutrality; EFF Will Continue to Fight
Last week, the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the FCC, rejecting its authority to classify broadband as a Title II “telecommunications service.” In doing so, the court removed net neutrality protections for all Americans and took away the FCC’s ability to meaningfully regulate internet service providers. This ruling fundamentally gets wrong the reality of internet service we all live with every day. Nearly 80% of Americans view broadband access to be as important as water […]