Immigration is not free market

Immigration is not free market

I saw this talked about in amother topic but there are some huge issues with immigration, because we have an interventionist state.

H1B visas that Trump is touting is basically indenture servitude because you can only get money from that employer who sponsors it. This artificially depreciates wages and undercuts citizens.

Our governments provide things like wellfare, education and healthcare to immigrants now. None of that is free market like in the 1800s.

The housing market and infastructure are so governmentally controlled, only so many roads and houses that we can’t easily house anyone coming into the country. Homelessness is on the rise in america and many are immigrants.

Finally what that article is saying is we allow immigrants to vote on our huge states policy often making it even bigger and more interventionist. They are not taught capitalism, economics or liberty in their country of origin. Back in the day it was harder for immigrants to vote and government was so small anyways.

I know I wil be attacked for this but read the article and use logic.

submitted by /u/CoveredbyThorns
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