How, Woke, Nazism, and Anti Immigration Conservatives Evolve?

I sometimes wonder if woke are more reasonable than I thought.

I still disagree with them.

But take a look at this.

A white man thinks that Indians hire only indians due to nepotism and racism.

Is he correct?

I don’t know. Perhaps.

Or perhaps Indians are just better programmers.

The idea that whites on average are smarter than blacks are quite famous. Most conservatives believe that. But liberals don’t. They believe all races are equally smart.

Are Indians in US are simply smarter and hence that’s why they dominate IT? Or the white guys got sidelined because of racism in favor of Indians?

I don’t know.

And if I don’t know that. Is it reasonable that some people also don’t know whether black people don’t dominate IT because they have lower IQ or due to this so called structural racism woke keeps saying?

My guess right now is that Indians in US are smart. Why? Because India is far and H1 visa in US discriminate against Chinese and Indians.

It’s easier for Mexican to immigrate to US than Indians. Hence, Indians in US must have been smarter.

A bit like being Jewish. A jew used to have be very smart to simply stay alive. So they have high IQ.

Besides, shareholders have incentive to do the right thing. I believe people that put their money on their mouth is.

It doesn’t make sense for Microsoft shareholders to put someone as CEO unless they honestly think the CEO will do a good job. If that happened due to Indian connection it’s part of the game.

Hell, the founders of Microsoft and google aren’t even Indians. They are whites and jews respectively.

So I still disagree with woke. But I understand where they are coming from.

I also do not appreciate woke strategy of simply burying and censoring things they disagree with. That’s just not ways to get to the truth.

The patterns are similar though.

People wrongfully think that races have equal IQ.

It turns out some races are over represented.

When we compare mainly black and white we got woke

When we compare white to jews we got nazism

When we compare white and Indians we got anti immigration conservatives.

It seems that only libertarians just don’t care. Let the market decide and all these are non issues. At least to crypto bros like me.

submitted by /u/Calm-Cry4094
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