Talking Bad Trades & Regret Minimization
Chatting with Tom Keene and Paul Sweeney on Bloomberg Surveillance about investing strategies and mistakes… The post Talking Bad Trades & Regret Minimization appeared first on The Big Picture.
Chatting with Tom Keene and Paul Sweeney on Bloomberg Surveillance about investing strategies and mistakes… The post Talking Bad Trades & Regret Minimization appeared first on The Big Picture.
submitted by /u/Impressive-Door3726 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/Historical_Arm_5165 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/m4moz [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/Simpsons_fan_54 [link] [comments]
A couple of weeks ago, I filed a cert petition in Georgia Ass’n of Club Executives v. Georgia and Georgia Ass’n of Club Executives v. O’Connell. (For procedural reasons, these were filed as two separate cases, but they raise identical issues, and the Georgia Supreme Court decided them in a combined opinion.) Together with the team at Freed Grant LLC, we challenged a Georgia statute imposing a tax on adult entertainment establishments, a group of businesses defined in […]
These are dark days for liberalism. I mean full, across-the-board, laissez-faire free-market, classical liberalism, otherwise known as libertarianism. While some budget-cutting and bureaucracy slimming will probably go through, those steps, though necessary to advance toward liberalism, are not sufficient. What’s conspicuously missing from the regime’s activities is a ringing and unmistakable endorsement of full individual liberty, which requires a free-market economy. The imagined dichotomy between economic liberty and personal liberty is a snare and a delusion. What’s more […]
First, this question is a bit obtuse on purpose because I’m trying to question my own conclusions. I might come off as ungenuine or trollish and if so, I apologize. My question: Often in discussions of worker incentives, the comparison is made that, in a free market, a worker can quit when they choose and a business owner can fire employees that aren’t working out. This is described in equal terms, but it’s this the case in an […]
I genuinely do not know what political alignment I am. I’m not a communist, and I’m definitely not a conservative, I’m very left, and I feel like the government should give more power to the people while also keeping order uhf high hhhfhfhhf this is so confusing submitted by /u/3clipse09 [link] [comments]
For the first time in many years there is hope. The DEI/Woke/Democrat assault on white Americans has been stopped at least for four years. For awhile I won’t have to worry that the FBI will break down my door because some creep doesn’t like what I wrote or said in an interview. As my assumption is that the War on Free Speech has been called off, I can relax a bit. And I would like to. Also, the war on Russia has […]