The truth about ‘climate change’

The truth about 'climate change'

“Let me explain how you are going to solve your problem. The solution is simple. You have already told me that global warming is unsatisfactory because whenever there is a cold snap, people forget about it.

So what you need is to structure the information so that whatever kind of weather occurs, it always confirms your message. That’s the virtue of shifting the focus to abrupt climate change. It enables you to use everything that happens. There will always be floods, and freezing storms, and cyclones, and hurricanes. These events will always get headlines and airtime. And in every instance, you can claim it is an example of abrupt climate change caused by global warming. So the message gets reinforced. The urgency is increased.

We are talking about an organized campaign throughout the world to make people understand that global warming is responsible for abrupt and extreme weather events.”

– Michael Crichton, State of Fear (2004)

submitted by /u/pythonNewbie__
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