U.S. Attorney Threatens Georgetown Law for ‘Teaching DEI’
Last month, Edward Martin, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, sent a letter to the dean of Georgetown Law School, indicating that it is under investigation for continuing to “teach and promote” diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). “It has come to my attention reliably that Georgetown Law School continues to teach and promote DEI. This is unacceptable. I have begun an inquiry into this and would welcome your response to the following questions,” Martin’s letter states. […]
It’s a shame.
I can’t belive that as a POLE! I see better freedom of speach at the whole ussr subredit then the largest Libeterian Right Community in reddit. You can see the ussr subreddit have actually posts that show war crimes and Crimes against the individual and they are actualy left alone and not only Acnoledged, but seen as a travesty. And this subredit? Make a unpopular opinion and get instantly blocked. What a shame… submitted by /u/Eurasian1918 [link] [comments]
FBI raid of wrong Atlanta home heads to U.S. Supreme Court
submitted by /u/m4moz [link] [comments]
Every Vote for a Democrat Is an Attack on America
America has only one enemy–the Democrat Party, an anti-American party, an anti-white party, a party of national destruction and replacement of America with a Tower of Babel, a party committed to the destruction of normality and its replacement with Sodom and Gomorrah perversity, an ideological party alienated from the country it is destroying. It uses the taxpayers’ money to attack America. A $375 Billion EPA slush fund handled by John Podesta gave billions of dollars to “charities” founded […]
Can fees replace taxes
For mosr items can usage fees replace taxes. If its technically possible, which it is now why don’t we charge the user for every public service where possible and where the use of that service is a rational choice. I say this in relation to funding public roads. If its possible.now to bill every user per mile of road used, should that replace funding it via general taxation. I want to propose this for public funding where it’s […]
Has There *Never* Been A Deferred Prosecution Agreement For A Public Official?
Since Judge Ho appointed Paul Clement as an amicus in the Eric Adams case, I have been trying to find an answer to a question: has there ever been a deferred prosecution agreement for a public official. The United States routinely enters into civil consent decrees with public officials. And the United States enters into deferred prosecution agreements with government contractors. At least in the case of Boeing, the government was likely motivated by a concern that barring […]