In late 1964, the United States faced a decision about Vietnam. The war had dragged on for 10 years, and the US had steadily poured more dollars and arms and “advisors” into supporting the South Vietnamese against North Vietnamese aggression. “Saving” the South Vietnamese and punishing the North Vietnamese, along with their Chinese and Soviet backers, for their aggression clearly was going to require a larger US commitment, both of arms and probably men. Was it time to […]
While he was in office, the media often described former President Joe Biden’s approach to Israel as a “bear hug.” Yedioth Ahronoth, the Israeli newspaper of record, defined it as “holding someone close in order to restrain him, not just to show love.” By providing military aid and moral support to Israel’s war effort, Biden’s supporters argued, the president would be able to tell Israeli leaders hard truths behind closed doors and convince them to de-escalate the war. […] If we know the truth, yet so many are wrong, can we make money out of it? Next. How can libertarians that make more money because of this have more children. Tada…. More libertarian voters. ANYTHING viral will tend to correlate with this. Make more money Have more children. You see viral meme? That’s because people attracted to those meme somehow have more children than those who aren’t. That’s why religions spread. Because religious people have […]
This week, I speak with Stephanie Kelton, Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Stony Brook University and Senior Fellow at the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis. We discuss US fiscal policy, recession risks, and her New York Times bestseller “The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People’s Economy.” She has made virtually all the ‘top 50 lists’ including POLITICO’s 50 Most Influential Thinkers in 2016 and Bloomberg Businessweek’s 50 People […]
This week marks five years since March 13, 2020, the day President Donald Trump declared a national state of emergency over the novel coronavirus outbreak. The White House issued The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America three days later. Among other things, the guidelines advised Americans to avoid bars, restaurants, shopping trips, and social visits. They also said that governors in states with evidence of community transmission should close schools, bars, restaurants, food courts, gyms, and other indoor and outdoor venues. Sticking […]
In his first address to Congress, Trump presented his Make America Great Again program and extolled the perennial American values of freedom and prosperity. He delivered his speech with marked oratorical skill, never once stumbling over a word or phrase. Although most of his pronouncements were about America and its people flourishing and achieving great things, most of the Democrats remained seated and steadfastly silent the entire time. The only time they cheered was when Trump stated that […]
Veronique de Rugy Since the 1950s, every effort to reduce the size and scope of government has been bulldozed by a political establishment more concerned with furthering its own interests than those of the American people. Between sacred cows and special interest groups, we’re always told why nothing can get cut. , With the exception of Social Security, there is no bigger sacred cow than the Department of Defense. Of course, defense policy is a legitimate function of […]
Please enjoy the latest edition of Short Circuit, a weekly feature written by a bunch of people at the Institute for Justice. This week on the Short Circuit podcast: the panel looks at the Sixth Circuit’s look at a Cincinnati councilman’s bribery conviction. Allegation: In 2013, Long Island, N.Y. school bus driver has medical emergency, crashes into parked car. (No students harmed.) He passes three breathalyzers, and a medic tells the officer he really needs to be taken to […]
As everyone who has ever opened a book knows, the greatest scam of all time was the Trojan Horse caper, when the Greeks hid inside a giant wooden horse and left it standing in front of Troy’s gate posing as a gift from the departing Greek forces to the brave defenders after a ten-year siege. The Trojans were no fools, but they trusted the Greeks. After all, the noblest of them, Achilles, a semi-god, had returned the body […]