A simplification for our Socialists on why they are wrong….
I am so sick and tired of the “socialist vs capitalist” debate, and how the identity of the then is more important than the details of the debate.
So I want to simply this into why socialists will always be wrong.
Corporations and Governments are basically the same thing.
They are organizations.
Groups of people controlled by wealthy and powerful elites. Both are controlled by dishonest and corruptable PEOPLE.
People in general will act in their own best interests. So more often than not, the people who control governments and corporations will act on their own best interest. Not yours.
The important difference is POWER.
Corporations have no power to force you to do anything you don’t want to do. Comcast cannot fine you for refusing their service. Amazon cannot jail you for refusing to subscribe to prime. They can only deny you the service they offer.
Government DOES has that power.
Government can fine you for not doing what they want you to do. They can jail you for doing something they don’t want you to do. Government can force you to act in a manner no corporate CEO ever could.
Corporations have the power over you that Governments let them have. No billionaire or monopoly can influence you unless the Government tolerates, permits, or quietly endorses it.
Because of the unique and sole power of forced compulsion, Government is the problem. ALWAYS.
The rich, with the power to put you in jail, use their honied words and false promises to enrich themselves.
They then blame other rich people, who do NOT have the power to jail you, for what happens while simultaneously enriching themselves from those corporate bribes.
Rich and powerful people blame richer, but less powerful, people for all your problems.
The rich promise to protect you from the richer, then blame other rich people (who they are secretly friends with) when they break their promises.
All that you socialists blame Corporations for, is the fault of the Government. Giving Government more power only makes the problem worse, not better.
Useful idiots. All of you.
submitted by /u/NecessaryAvocado4449
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