America has only one enemy–the Democrat Party, an anti-American party, an anti-white party, a party of national destruction and replacement of America with a Tower of Babel, a party committed to the destruction of normality and its replacement with Sodom and Gomorrah perversity, an ideological party alienated from the country it is destroying. It uses the taxpayers’ money to attack America. A $375 Billion EPA slush fund handled by John Podesta gave billions of dollars to “charities” founded […]
NATO: Time To Turn Out The Lights As President Trump and President Putin negotiate a lasting peace between Russia and Ukraine in the weeks ahead, the outcome now is indisputable. We, the U.S. and NATO, lost our proxy war in Ukraine, a war that will go down in history as one of our worst foreign policy disasters, even worse than our ignominious withdrawal from our 20-year war in Afghanistan. Hundreds of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian soldiers and […]
“Capital is dead labor, that, vampire-like, only lives by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks.” – Karl Marx, Capital Volume One; Chapter 10 “The association of poverty with progress is the great enigma of our times . . . So long as all the increased wealth which modern progress brings goes but to build up great fortunes . . . progress is not real and cannot be permanent.” – Henry George, Progress […]
Trump and Zelensky have agreed on a cease fire, a pause in the conflict. How does this benefit Russia? It doesn’t. The Ukrainian military is collapsing on all fronts. 86% of the Ukrainian incursion into Kursk has been retaken, and the remaining Ukrainian forces are surrounded. What remains of the Ukrainian military is retreating from the few kilometers of Russian territory still occupied in the Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions that have been reincorporated into Russia. A cease fire is the last thing […]
Let’s revisit the tumultuous second half of 2021. Dementia-addled President Joe Biden executed a disastrous retreat from Afghanistan in August that resulted in the killing of thirteen servicemembers. Having spectacularly failed America’s warfighters, he transitioned quickly to the ongoing “fight against COVID.” No cost was too great or burden too onerous in the federal government’s war against microscopic organisms. Billions were funneled to pharmaceutical companies (aka Democrat Party donors) to pay for witch doctors’ experimental elixirs. Billions more were funneled to “news” […]
I kind of like that morality That’s not how world works. Proof? Can you smoke weed? No. Why? Because others disallow you. So let’s ask a practical question. What can you do to smoke weed peacefully without fear of getting caught? Does that other have right to prohibit you? Well imagine if he is your landlord and you are in his property. Yes. Imagine if he is a king and you are in his territory. Now things got […]
Militants have taken 35 passengers hostage after attacking a train in southwestern Pakistan, and nearly 350 other passengers are believed to be safe, local police said on Tuesday. Militants have taken 35 passengers hostage after attacking a train in southwestern Pakistan, and nearly 350 other passengers are believed to be safe, local police said on Tuesday. Read More
Any breakthrough in Russian-US relations would inevitably disappoint those multipolar enthusiasts who bought into the most ideologically dogmatic narratives of the New Cold War and consequently believed that Russia would forever eschew the dollar out of principle. The three-year-long NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine contributed to the belief that the international community had bifurcated into the West and the World Majority respectively, with the outcome of the aforesaid conflict determining which camp will most powerfully shape the global systemic transition. This paradigm […]
Jeffrey Miron The National Organ Transplant Act (NOTA) of 1984 outlawed the sale of human organs. Thus, NOTA cemented an altruism-based system where organs are donated freely rather than exchanged for money. As a result, the US relies on voluntary donations from living and deceased donors—a system with significant shortcomings. Under the current system, over 100,000 Americans are on waiting lists, which puts them at risk for their ongoing conditions and means some 5,600 people die each year waiting for a […]