Be like these people. Live your life as if everyone is a psycho.

Not everyone is a psychopath that will push you to trains for nothing.

Yet everyone stand like this? Why?

It’s the wise thing. If even one person out of 1k is psychopath and all stand like this and you don’t, which one that 1 will push? You.

That’s how adverse selection works.

In general, counting on moralities is very unreliable. All these people do not count on moralities. They count that people can’t easily push them to trains.


Be like them in all things.

What’s next? Get married. Not all women aim to leave you and grab alimony…. Nah…..

I won’t.

What’s next? Pick good politician. Not all of them will rob your money and squander it. Nah…. I believe in free market where doing that is a lot harder.

What’s next? Put your money in bank instead of bitcoin. Not all of them will go bankcrupt.

Nope. Why take unnecessary risks?

What’s next? Buy insurance. Not all are scammy?

When you have to trust others or legal system, you are on the path of being scammed.

Universal healthcare. If others are right the money will help cushion hardship. Nope.

submitted by /u/Hairy_Arugula509
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