Free Cities: A future for anarcho-capitalism?
Personally, I think it’s way easier for ancaps to advocate for “Free cities” like Propsera in Honduras or Shenzhen in China (though the latter is still under the laws of the Chinese government). Another comparison would be the US state of Utah with its significant Mormon population have generally been free to live more or less autonomously within the United States.
In fact, many governments grant at least some level of autonomy to culturally distinct peoples within or without a federal framework. As I mentioned before, it’s probably way more feasible to convince non-libertarians to let those “crazy libertarians” have their own utopia of sorts very much like Propsera in Honduras.
I imagine that such a city/zone would probably be more likely to happen with the approval of a state government rather than the feds. But given the level of influence state governments have, it might actually be pulled off.
submitted by /u/Overall_Invite8568
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