How the government lies to us

I came across this “fact check“: Did President Biden exempt Congress from vaccine mandate?

Facebook post: President Joe Biden gave Congress an exemption from vaccine mandate

It doesn’t actually cite anyone saying what it alleges.

PolitiFact’s ruling: False

Here’s why: Since President Joe Biden first issued an executive order in September requiring federal workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19, some have expressed outrage at what they wrongly assumed was an exemption given to elected officials.

Who are “some”?

“Why are elected officials exempt?” read the caption on a Jan. 22 Facebook post that showed a meme depicting White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki standing in the White House press briefing room. “Does President Biden’s mandate include Congress?” read words on the image. Then, below Psaki, a caption explained the supposed answer: “No, members of Congress are exempt from the vaccine mandate.” Underneath, Morgan Freeman looked off to the side in apparent puzzlement: “This sh– right here is why people know the vaccine mandate is a hoax.”

The outrage here isn’t that the legislative branch was given an exemption from being experimented upon medically, it was that it was never included in the experimental group in the first place. Snopes acts like it’s some random oversight when the culprits exempted themselves.

submitted by /u/GoogleFiDelio
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