If you do not participate in identity politics then why do you identify yourself as an ethnicity/race? If you are ancap why do you get offended when people speak against the status of your original country? Seems like ethnocentrism to me

why call yourself ‘Indian American’ or whatever? Why not just call yourself American?

if racial/national/ethic identity is only for racist bigots and prejudiced people, why do you identify yourself as one? Why not just say ‘American Ancap’?

If you truly don’t care about race/ethnicity/nationality why even need such labels? In fact why do we even need countries? Let’s just name the entire world ‘ancap utopia’ and let us all start going anywhere we want

I hope you people realize that you are preaching red-army/communist manifestos with your nonsense and you are fooling absolutely nobody

submitted by /u/pythonNewbie__
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