Is the Corporation a Free-Market Institution?

I don’t see this analysis often. Corporations are often seen as synonymous with free enterprise. Anyone familiar with this perspective, and if so, can recommend further reading on the distinction?

Business corporations are significant players in the modern economy, but that is an economy in which they are policy-makers almost as often as policy-takers. Perhaps there are moments when the advocates of freedom can rejoice in the existence of Big Business as an effective counterweight to Big Government (or vice versa). But there are also times when the two of them weigh heavily on the freedom of non-artificial persons. Both are social organizations, very much interested in eliminating “the human factor,” in “socializing” human beings into corporate creatures, docile citizens, and ditto workers. Both are enticing us to trade in our natural rights—and the burdens of responsibility and liability that go with those rights—for a limitless right to the satisfaction of our needs and desires. Both rest their claim for legitimacy on the purported fact that they can satisfy our needs better than we can ourselves.

Leave aside the catastrophic losses of wealth and life that the failings of the corporate system of business organization and politics have inflicted on several occasions during the past century. Let us admit that the corporate form of business organization has proven itself an immensely successful tool for mobilizing capital and labor. Let us also admit that it often has led to great achievements. In that respect, too, business corporations are like their political counterparts, the states, which have a similarly impressive record of mobilizing men and means and achieving great things. However, let us not forget the downside of those successes. It shows in the loss of freedom, our natural right to be the master of our own lives, albeit at the price of taking full responsibility for them.

submitted by /u/vagabond17
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