Make the whole world closer to ancap with free simple free bsc20 coins

Moldbug believes that the state should be governed like joint stock companies.

So like ancaps every service, including road, cops, security, and right is done by customer seeking private business.

After that moving to ancapnistan is easy. If ancapnistan is indeed more economically optimal just negotiate with owners of those private cities/private countries. Then move slowly.

Competing for profit businesses will lower tax and eliminate welfare to cut costs and attract tax payers. Rulers will have incentive to make secure but free regions again to attract customers or rich productive individuals.

So how do we promote the idea?

Create bsc20 tokens called government tokens. Declare that the tokens can be owned by anyone that show they have power to vote or rule.

In democracy it’s voters.

Then create a Dao where only those with government tokens can vote.

Now tell all those voters do you want to update your laws so that only those with government token can vote?

If they said no move on. The tokens will probably be worthless though it will have some market value as the probability of things working out improve.

If they said yes voila.

Instant private cities/nation ruled as joint stock companies as moldbug envision.

The tokens can be bought and sold. People that can vote but can no longer vote say because of moving can sell their tokens. So we can tract whether the idea is good or not based on the interests of original voters or token owners.

After a few iterations people get used to the idea. They own their cities and countries like shareholders own companies.

They should pick CEO that choose economicaly optimal solutions.

Won’t be far from libertarianism.

Then we shop around for cities we like.

On earth as in web3.0

How competing joint stock Dao or businesses are optimal for shareholders is too cumbersome. Ask moldbug themselves. Will it be nice to customers? Again that’s basic capitalism. Will it lower prices/taxes? As sure as the price of LED tv.

I won’t repeat the arguments here. Majority of people will win.

submitted by /u/CauliflowerBig3133
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