Thoughts on full-egoists?
personally i see them as one of the only truly different socialists as they dont want a state submitted by /u/ShittyFart11 [link] [comments]
personally i see them as one of the only truly different socialists as they dont want a state submitted by /u/ShittyFart11 [link] [comments]
The injured driver was taken to the hospital. The injured driver was taken to the hospital. Read More
(To reflect about that you can think of Charles Manson Case. Or a Person with high political or religious influence, a mafia boss giving orders (or indirect hints) to commit crimes etc.) I believe Free Speech should be protected because words do not cause harm so violent punishment in response is immoral. After reflection, I think to properly condemn Incitment to Violence and making an exception in Free Speech the speech in question must be *directly* encouraging harm […]
submitted by /u/m4moz [link] [comments]
Today the Supreme Court granted five petitions for certiorari. These cases will either be heard at the end of the term in April, or at the beginning of next term in October. (Hearing them this term would require curtailing the normal briefing schedule.) Perhaps the highest profile case among today’s cert grants is Mahmoud v. Taylor, a case that implicates the religious rights of parents to control (or at least know about) what their children learn in school. Here […]
I’m not sure why this isn’t the main focus of the dialogue in society at large, and why this isnt talked about nearly enough. Housing crises, cost of living crises, immigration as a means to fuel Keynesian consumerism: all of these issues stem from an inflationary standard. Owning homes as a commercial asset would be seen as a much greater risk if property was out performed by currency. The industry would be more specialised and less congested with […]
submitted by /u/Itsjustmealex [link] [comments]
As President Joe Biden exits the White House, it’s worth looking back—not to his presidency, but to more than a decade ago, when Barack Obama was president and Biden was still second in command. In July 2012, Obama delivered a speech in which the signature line was, “You didn’t build that.” The speech was, among other things, an address about the size of government, the efficiency of the public and private sectors, and the value of government in getting […]
The Federal Reserve’s premature victory lap over inflation reveals a worrisome misunderstanding of the predicament we still find ourselves in. Unprecedented government spending and debt, combined with mounting fears that the debt can’t (or won’t) be repaid, played a misunderstood role in inflation’s rise several years ago. As such, fiscal policy must be part of the solution. Otherwise, expect the recent acceleration of inflation to stick around or get worse, bringing trouble for the new administration. The pressure […]