What can web3.0 do for liberty?

It seems that web3.0 with smart contract and so on are already ancapnistan.

I mean nation states have very little power over there.

What can it do?

It doesn’t have territory yet, but many things can be done without territory.

  1. Make money. It’s tax free regions. Sure you can still go to jail if you earn $1 billion and don’t report. It’s tough to get caught. Just be careful. Also many countries have given up taxing crypto. My country, for example, don’t tax capital gain tax on crypto.

  2. Insurance. Many regulations on insurance doesn’t obey capitalistic principle. Why shouldn’t insurance be able to discriminate against guys with prior. Why shouldn’t insurance reward premium based on diagnoses that are found out latter instead of deciding what treatments are appropriate?

  3. Marriage. One size fit all marriage won’t work. Why not make marriage a normal business contract?

  4. All other business contracts that require a judge. It’s about time we have a libertarian judges and courts. When opinions differ people shop for different courts. Controversial cases like Harvey, Masterson, Donald Trump, and Mike Tyson can be reviewed by libertarian courts.

  5. A new real country. Make it online first then lobby for real teritory.

So it’s already there.

submitted by /u/Hairy_Arugula509
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