What’s going to happen when the shit really hits the fan?
I’m interested in a very narrow subject and I would appreciate your input. I know we all like memes and fighting in comments with statists here, but my aim is to have some discussion that will be productive for all of us. So, hear me out.
Sooner or later the real crash is going to happen and there are 2 options that will follow – the government is going to intervene or it won’t. And I wonder what’s going to happen with real estate in both cases.
If the government intervenes – bailout to banks again? We already know how this plays out. In current social climate I can see bailouts going to both, banks and individuals as a potential as well, but what happens then? Massive inflation but nothing happens to property prices when adjusted for inflation? Property real and nominal values skyrocketing because people that hesitated before worrying about mortgage payments being a little too high for them now don’t need to care about it? Please you share what do you think is going to happen in this scenario.
Government let’s the cycle go it’s course – where’s going to be the bottom and how soon we’re going to be there? How much down property prices are going in this case? The bottom post GFC happened 4 years after, property prices reached the bottom in 2012. Is 4 years going to be enough to restructure the economy assuming there will be no regulations added, nor any repealed? Or is it going to be even faster because the government won’t be intervening so we’re just going to go down from a cliff and bounce in 12-18 months like it happened in post 1920th crisis when the government did almost nothing comparing to all later crises. Share your thoughts on how deep real estate prices fall and how long it may take to get there.
I missed 2012, and I don’t want to miss this time.
submitted by /u/different_option101
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