Why bashing the left is counter productive.

I’m reposting my reply to an earlier thread in it’s own thread.

Free market advocates will continue to lose as long as they keep lying to themselves that republicans/conservatives, business, etc cares anymore about the free market than the “left” does.

How many groups of conservatives have I seen (church, families, home school co-ops, etc etc) where there wasn’t an entrepreneur in sight, 3/4 of them were some type of government worker (teacher, cop, social worker, DWP, etc.) and a good share of the remainder worked for a company that was a defense contractor?

Once I realized how insincere the right was about taxes, freedoms, morality, etc I could never take any critique of the left seriously again.

I tease the “godly men” at my church, “I remember when conservatives said you needed a person of character in the WH and that’s why the Lewinsky thing was a big deal?”

submitted by /u/DecisionDelicious170
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