You people think that cutting off government from its money supply will solve all your problems, you are really that stupid and delusional
in reality if you did that Trump, Biden, Kamala, whatever (the pawn doesn’t really matter here tbh) would immediately call the army and impose martial law till the state started getting its taxes again
you want to actually hurt the government? build like, 20 militias all across the nation and convince 10 million people to stop participating in the system, not just stop paying taxes, stop consuming products too, stop calling 911 too, stop sending their kids to public schools too, anything that makes you or your people dependent to the system (not just the government, the government is merely a component of the system) should be removed
that’s how you hurt the system, the tax aspect is not enough
but you people won’t do any of these things, you just want to romanticize your tax evasion, which is okay (tax evasion is cool) but it’s not enough to hurt the government, it’s not anywhere near enough
in fact, your eating habits and your porn addiction (a lot of ancaps are porn addicts, actual fact) are probably supporting the government more than your taxes do
submitted by /u/pythonNewbie__
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